New product BioPhosphate on the market

To the Friends of the Earth,

Phosphorus in agricultural production is one of the most important fertilizing elements. No Phosphorus = No Life. Up until now mined and chemically processed mineral phosphates were used as traditional fertilizers for food crop production in the agriculture. However mineral phosphates containing cadmium and uranium extreme toxic elements, which might enter the food chain. Recent international scientific investigations found that Cadmium is pulmonary immunotoxicant with immunmodulatory and immunosuppressive effects and might be significantly linked to the COVID-19 pandemic effects.

Therefore, replacement of mineral phosphates with 100% bio and 100% safe modern organic farming bio-fertilizers (that are also less costly), such as the BioPhosphate product, is an important international goal for the next coming years.

I kindly ask your networking support for the innovative BioPhosphate product on the NUTRIMAN platform (detailed product description and data is under ID 192). Few clicks, that is all. Pls select your language.

After clicking to the first bullet (I’ve already applied it or I’m interested to apply it) the key benefits can be selected and submitted. Practically the BioPhosphate have all these benefits.

I also kindly as you to send this ID192 support link to all your contacts who are interested in agriculture, environment/climate, and food safety to Save the World. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact



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