V4 Biochar & Nutrient Management/Recovery Thematic Network

Dear colleagues,
we would like to invite you to V4 Biochar & Nutrient Management/Recovery Thematic Network.

The workshop is organized under the umbrella of the V4 Biochar Platform and project NUTRIMAN (H2020) and aims to knowledge exchange and sharing experiences in the field of new alternative fertilizing products and practices within V4 countries.

This ON-LINE event will take place on Thursday 20.5.2021 from 2p.m to 5.p.m. The invitation leaflet incl. program is enclosed to this email.

Please kindly register here, until the 16th May. Feel also free to spread the information to your V4 colleagues…

For further information please contact: V4biochar@gmail.com or biochar@3Ragrocarbon.com


Best regards and looking forward to meet you

Lukas Trakal & Edward Someus



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